2015 - The Adventures begin: SE Asia.

It's been a year in planning - and a WHOLE lot longer than that researching and dreaming; but finally it's the first day of 2015 and the year my big adventure starts! So I now feel it's time to start sharing my plans with the rest of the world!

I've been keeping my travelling plans (relatively) quiet because I've been working in my first 'big girl' job as a radiographer since my graduation on the 3rd July 2013 to fund my adventures.  This time in itself has been challenging, mainly for three reasons:-

1. It's definitely true that you learn more in your first year as a qualified radiographer than you do in the whole four years of training.  To say it's a steep learning curve would be a massive understatement!

2. To add to that saving has been far more difficult than I ever anticipated! Every spare penny has gone into my travel account and each month a good chunk of my wage as well!  For someone who loves a good shopping spree its been no mean feat!

3. It's difficult to work at something and give 100% when your heart's truly not in it.  For so long now I have been hoping to leave it all behind and set of for adventure.  Ever since my backpacking trip round Europe in 2011 where I visited 11 countries in 21 days my idea of travel changed from the standard holidays and breaks away I'd been used to; to a truer sense of exploration, adventure and travel.

The date has been set 17th April 2015 - I will venture off with a backpack, high hopes and only slight trepidation for the adventures that lie ahead!

I have found a charity organisation that I believe to be ethical and responsible in the opportunities they offer: POD 'Personal Overseas Development'.  It took a long time to find an organisation that I felt comfortable volunteering with, but I am confident in my choice and fully believe in the sustainable volunteering projects they offer.

I will be spending 3 months in Cambodia: 11 weeks volunteering and teaching at a rural children's home in the Kampong Speu region and 1 week staying at a hostel in Siem Reap.

I will then move on to Thailand where I will be teaching at a school in the Don Sak area in the South.

Although I am trying not to have too many pre-conceived ideas of what my time in South East Asia will be like I think my two experiences in Cambodia and Thailand will be quite contrasting.  I have travelled a lot, but never anywhere as culturally different as Asia is.  I am particularly drawn to Cambodia as it is still so underdeveloped - its harrowing war torn past both appals me and compels me to volunteer in this country.

I cannot wait for the adventures this year will bring!  I'm also excited to start sharing my plans with everyone - once I've handed in my notice at work.  Most of my close friends and family who already know, have been supportive of my plans although some were anxious to begin with and others questioned why I'd want to give up a good job.  It's true I'm not sure exactly what I'll do when I return or what I really want in the future; but that adds to the adventure and possibility.  The only other plan I have is to apply for a chalet host position in the French Alps where I can indulge in my other passion: skiing! But that's another chapter for Winter 2015/16 that hopefully I'll be able to blog about soon.

So as of today: New Years day 2015 it's 14 weeks and 6 days until I fly off on my BIG ADVENTURE! So stay tuned to hear all about my preparations until then...

Peace Out Folks!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing an insight into your world Joanne. Have a wonderful trip and make some lasting memories. I have every faith that wherever you go and whatever you do, you will succeed. I am so proud of your humanity, sense of adventure and courage. Remember I am always with you, have fun and come home safe - love mer xxx
